Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pan salt

A recent visit to my OB GYN (after a long while) yielded some surprises.  My bp reading went up to 130/100. I was sleep deprived for two straight days prior to my check up and I was stressed.  My doctor ordered more tests for blood sugar and cholesterol levels, apart from the routine OB tests.  Test results were normal…. But I was still hypertensive. When I got home, I went online and searched for dietary do’s and don’ts. If I can help it, I’d stay away from maintenance drugs.  I started doing zumba once a week and planned to eat more healthy.

I first saw this product in a grocery near my home.  I need to lessen my sodium intake. Which means less junk food like chips and food additives like bouillon cubes, etc (good thing I don’t use MSG in cooking).   Pan salt has 40% less sodium for the same amount  without sacrificing on the taste.  It also contains healthy minerals potassium, magnesium and lysine which are not present in regular table salt.  It’s a bit more pricy than regular salt though at P275/450g pack.

My new mantra....less sodium, more potassium and magnesium rich food like bananas, veggies and nuts.  Will keep you posted on how I’m faring with my diet.   Good luck and Good Vibes!  ^_^

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