Saturday, August 13, 2011

Making fruit pops with my girl

I first saw a picture of  kiwi fruit pops in Pinterest.  I repinned it on my board, with a mental note to make it with pipay. 

the inspiration...... photo credits from

After doing it several times,  (the first time was an epic fail, but nevertheless edible ^_^)  I have finally made a batch that is picture pretty and worth blogging about. 
So here’s the recipe…. 


Premium milk chocolate, melted
Fruits, (we made kiwi pops)
Candy sprinkles, nuts, rice krispies

1.   Peel and slice fruits 1/2 inch thick.
2.  Stick in a popsicle stick into the fruit
3.  Fruit should be dry, wiping with paper towels so chocolate will stick.
4.  Dip in melted chocolate, letting excess chocolate to drip.
5.  Sprinkle on nuts (we used slivered almonds), rice krispies, mini marshmallows, candy sprinkles, etc.
6.  Let cool inside the refrigerator or freeze.

Chocolate flavored fruit pops is one way to make your kids eat their fruits.   My kids love the apple, strawberries.  Bananas were not so popular.  Pipay has gone loco over kiwi fruits now when she used to abhor it saying it’s sour. 


  1. cute idea! kiwis can be hard to dry though...

  2. yes, i agree. just wipe the kiwis with paper towel just before dipping in melted chocolate. :)

    thanks for visiting my site :)
