Wednesday, April 18, 2012

An Aria celebration

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Time flies so quickly. I still remember cradling him in my arms rocking him to sleep at 2AM, Phil Collin’s You’ll be in my heart”  softly lulling him to sleep.  Gabby is now 12 and about to start high school.  No longer a child, thought not yet a man. One more year and he’ll be a teenager.  He is still in that awkward stage where his voice would sometimes croak.  The “ma, please don’t tag me in your picture” phase.  Becoming conscious of his physical appearance, “ma, do you think I have dandruff?”  or “pa, I like a formal hair this time?”.  He is physically changing.  But some things never change, he is still the very gentle and sweet boy.  

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After Gabby’s grade school graduation rites last March, we went to celebrate in Boni High Street Central. 

I let Gabby decide where to eat.  My kids (as you all know by now) loves Italian cuisine – pizza and pasta.  As predicted, he chose Aria.

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Aria Cucina Italia was brought here to Manila from Boracay, thus the airy and homey feel of its light beige colored interior.  

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A large wooden web-like screen in the center is the focal point and functions as divider, giving diners an open yet intimate dining experience. Aria serves authentic Italian dishes.  A bit pricey though.     

There were a lot of diners when we arrived. We were led to a table at the back near the kitchen.  My kids were starving and restless.

As soon as Gabby saw the giant rectangular pizza on the menu, he immediately said, “I want the Pizza Al Metro!”  (P1300) a sampler of 3 pizza flavors – Quattro formaggi (pecorino, feta, Parmesan and mozzarella), Salsiccia (Italian sausage, tomato sauce and mozzarella), and Capricciosa (Fresh cherry tomatoes, artichokes, farmers ham, mushroom, kalamata olives and mozzarella).  We ordered this for take out for the kids’ evening snack.

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Notice the burnt marks on the crust?  Their pizzas were baked in wood fired ovens which imparts a smokey flavor. 

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Pipay, as always, predictably ordered the Pasta Carbonara (P360), creamy and yummy. 

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Gabby, whose palate is slowly getting adventurous, chose the Al Fume (P420), spaghetti noodles with creamy tomato sauce with bacon, brandy & emmenthal cheese.

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M, had the Tagliatelle con Tartufo Asparagi e Prosciutto di Parma (P460), homemade pasta with white truffle, asparagus and parma ham, pretty presentation, but I didn’t had the chance to taste.

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As I peruse the menu, I simply can’t make up my mind on what to eat.  I wanted to try the gnocchi but I was craving for risotto.  Eventually, I settled for the familiar (I know, I wasn’t that adventurous that night),  the Risotto allo Scoglio (seafood risotto, P650).  The rice, creamy with just the right bite, had shrimps, mussels, clams,  scallops, cooked in a seafood broth comforted my hungry tummy and satiated my craving.  Next time, I’ll try the gnocchi.

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Jelo’s choice, which I got to taste and I think is a hands down winner for me, is Ravioli di  Branzino, handmade dough stuffed with seafood, covered in a light sauce of braised tomatoes and dill.

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For dessert, the kids had the Mousse ai Due Ciococolati (Chocolate mousse, P190) and Tiramisu.

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While I had the Crema Catalana (their version of crème brulee)

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It was raining by the time we finished dinner. As we were walking towards Serendra on Boni High Street, I thought I forgot my eyeglasses.  Gabby volunteered to walk back with me to Aria. We didn’t have an umbrella. He used his polo shirt to cover our heads while we walked in the rain. I have the sweetest boy a mom could ever want, don’t you think so?

Oh, by the way, my eyeglasses were inside a pouch in my big bag. Talk about senior moments! LOL!

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