Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Vietnam: on a culinary & gastronomic adventure.

It’s been a long while since my last entry. I know I have been negligent in keeping this food blog updated and active.  I have a lot of materials, stories and food reviews to write, but my work kept me from writing.  This year, I vowed to write at least one entry a week (keeping my fingers crossed). 

Next week,  I will be off  from work for five days  for a much needed R & R and break from the hectic schedules that started November  till  January, and before the onslaught of another killer month of March.

I will be going on a trip that revolves around my two passions – photography & food. 

My love affair with Vietnamese cuisine dates back to the early 90’s when  M & I would feast on dishes of a Vietnamese restaurant in Megamall.  A cookbook on Vietnamese cooking was a constant presence in my little kitchen.  And going to Vietnam is a dream come true.  And I’m excited.  

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