Friday, October 14, 2011

Travel: Dos Palmas Day 2, Lunch at Puting Buhangin

dos palmas day2

Len & I woke up at around 7AM.  The weather was still overcast and gloomy. 

dos palmas day2

We had a hearty breakfast from the buffet.  I had waffle, sausages, bacon and make your own omelet filled with tomatoes, onions,  mushrooms, and ham, juice and coffee.  

dos palmas day2

dos palmas day2

The highlight of our itinerary for the day was a picnic lunch at Puting Buhangin island, the rest of the day was free for snorkeling, swimming and kayaking.

puting buhangin

By 11 AM, we boarded a boat for a short ride to Puting Buhangin, which literally means white sand. The weather got worse when we arrived at the island. It rained hard and the wind blew strong, toppling the monoblock chairs set up in the middle of a big hut.  It was high tide too, the sand bars on each side of the island were submerged in sea water.

puting buhangin
We shared the island with another group of tourists but it felt like we have the island to ourselves.  After a few minutes, it stopped raining.

puting buhangin
puting buhangin

puting buhangin

puting buhangin

Our buffet lunch consisted of grilled fish, squid, pork chops, chicken, coleslaw, green mangoes with bagoong.

puting buhangin

We had fun taking pictures of this little piece of paradise until it was time to head back to the resort. 

puting buhangin

 puting buhangin

puting buhangin

The rest of the afternoon was spent taking more pictures, kayaking, swimming in the pool near the spa, and biking.  I was surprised that I still know how to ride a bike after so many years.  From then on, Len & I would ride the bike everywhere we go.

dos palmas day2






By evening, we had another  heavy buffet dinner  and hanged out in the bar area drinking coffee, watched a movie.  Leine & Elise played billiards.  It was such a laid back evening.  I wish I could stay forever, but I am missing my kids too.

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