Friday, October 14, 2011

Travel: Dos Palmas Day 1, our beach villa

dos palmas day1 3

When we arrived at Dos Palmas, it was already 4pm.  We were ushered into the dining area for a late lunch. There was a lot of food served to us, most notable were the seafood Kare Kare and the dense yet tasty palitaw.

 dos palmas day1 2

After that hearty lunch, we were brought to a four room two storey beach villa. Len and I were room mates and stayed in the ground floor adjacent to Leine and elise's room. 

dos palmas day1 8

dos palmas day1 6

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This is our room.  With red gumamela flowers everywhere.

dos palmas day1 5

The bathroom is a combination of modern and rustic design.  It features a rain type shower head and wooden towel handle bars, which I forgot to take a picture of.

dos palmas day1 1

Sliding doors opens to the balcony at the back with a view of coconut trees.

dos palmas day1 4
dos palmas

A few distance is the beach  With mangroves growing out of the water. 

dos palmas in bw

A small, winding bamboo bridge goes out to a hut on stilts where one can view the ocean and the stretch of mangrove dotted shore.  

 dos palmas in bw

dos palmas in bw

dos palmas in bw

The sky was overcast and gloomy. Not color pretty.  The landscape photographs I took, I decided to convert to black & white to evoke a  moody and  somber feel.

After taking our fill of the  landscape, we rested and freshened up and went back to the dining area for, guess what?  DINNER!  (three weeks of running, zumba classes and crash dieting went out of the window). Oh well, we came here after all to enjoy and have fun, didn't we?

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