Monday, October 10, 2011

Sing Hainanese Chicken House

 Sing Hainanese 4

I love anything Southeast Asian when it comes to food.  Singapore cuisine is one of them.  The food trips we had when I went to Singapore to visit my brother were still on my mind… laksa, roti prata, chili crabs, oyster cakes, black sesame ice cream to name a few.  In fact, on my way home to Manila, I bought a cookbook on Singaporean cuisine at the airport and brought home packs of roti, garam masala, and other Indian spices. I even tried replicating the chili crab dish we had at No Sign Board. 
One of the dishes in that cookbook was a recipe for Hainanese Chicken.   Hainanese Chicken is a dish, whose roots  goes back to Hainan cuisine.  Whole chicken is cooked by immersing in boiling stock of ginger and garlic for a few minutes, then removing the chicken to drain , repeating the process over and over until the chicken is cooked and a more flavorful stock develops. This stock is used to cook the rice.  

Sing Hainanese 3

Sing Hainanese 2

Sing Hainanese 1

M and I went to dine at Sing Hainanese Chicken House at Shangrila Mall.  I chose to get the Roasted Chicken and M got the Hainanese (white) chicken.  Both came with a small bowl of Hainanese rice, a clear chicken soup and 3 kinds of dipping sauce – ginger, chili and hoisin sauce (I think).  The Roasted Chicken skin has a dark golden color.  Both were delicious.  They come with cucumber slices and lettuce as garnishing.

Sing Hainanese Chicken House also carries other dishes like Chicken porridge, Chicken Curry, Chicken feet, adobo tokwa, etc.

Sing Hainanese 6

Sing Hainanese Chicken House
6th floor Shangrila Plaza Mall

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