Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Everything Peanut Butter in Peanut Butter Co.

PB co

Mall of Asia (MOA) is such a remote place for me. I hardly go there unless the reason to go there is  really important.  For meet ups with clients, I would rarely set an appointment there. But recently, I had to meet a supplier who set the venue at MOA. It so happened M was on his way the airport, and I had the chance to use the car,  I decided to have my gym session at FF MOA. It's really nice to have the FF passport membership.

I joined a spinning class which made me so ravenously hungry. My supplier friend was still in another meeting before me. I looked around for restaurants that would pique my interest. Passing by a window whose sign says Peanut Butter Company, I was lured in.

PB co

 PB co

PB & co  churns out  anything with peanut butter.  I am not really a fan of peanut butter but I don’t mind eating a PBJ if that is the only thing available.  And I could think of a few savory dishes that has peanut or peanut butter as the ingredient, topping the list is our own Kare Kare.  And there's the Thai Satay too.

PB co

I went to the counter and perused their menu. It was past lunch hour,
2 PM to be exact. I wanted to have rice.  But the rice meals were not available anymore so  I ordered the cold soba noodles and buffalo wings.

PB co 

As the girl manning the cashier asked me for my preferred drinks, she pointed the cooler for their selection of drinks. What I saw made me giddy.  Cherry coke! My favorite.  The last time I had one was in February when we had an event shoot at Tivoli Garden’s penthouse restaurant.  My first sip took my breath away. I forgot all about the pain in my legs which went jelly-like from the spinning class. An elixir of some sort. It was refreshing and has that unique flavor which some people describe as "lasang gamot", no pun intended.

PB co

For the buffalo wings.  The wings have a sweet mildly spicy sauce coating, drizzled with peanut sauce.  The spiciness has  just the right amount of kick.  I picked them with my fingers and found myself licking the sauce off my fingers.  I don’t know if I am just hungry.  I’d like to think it’s the sauce. The peanut sauce gave it a unique flavor from the usual buffalo wings.

PB co

The cold soba noodles has steamed veggies on top, sprinkled with black sesame seeds. The sesame peanut butter sauce is creamy but has a slight bitter aftertaste, though in a nice way.  My taste buds were expecting something warm or at least room temperature, instead, my palate was met with a pleasantly cold sensation, which compliments the spiciness of the chicken wings.

Would I go back there again? Maybe. I didn't try their desserts and I like to try their sandwiches, especially the Elvis Special, bananas and peanut butter on bread.  But this is something I wouldn’t go all the way to MOA for.
  I could easily make one at home. 

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