Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sinigang na Lechon

Tomorrow I will start on a low-carb, low-fat diet.  I only have 5 days more before my Palawan trip with my girlfriends.  And I still need to lose a few more inches on my tummy area. 

As I bid farewell to carbs, albeit, temporarily for the next few days,  I’d like share with you the sinigang recipe I did using the lechon I bought at Mercato Centrale last weekend.  Isn’t this entry ironic? ^_^

lechon sinigang 2

As written in my earlier entry about Mercato Centrale, I bought a half kilo of Cebuana Native Lechon from Abub which I meant to cook as sinigang as opposed to the usual lechon paksiw.  

lechon sinigang 1

Sinigang is my kids’ comfort food.  They tend to eat a lot when there’s hot and sour sinigang.  

Lechon Sinigang

½ kilo Lechon
2 pieces ripe tomatoes
3 cloves garlic
1 medium size red onion
1 pc labanos, cut into diagonal slices
1 bunch Kangkong leaves
1 bunch string beans
1-2 siling pangsigang
Souring fruits like sampalok, kamias,  (I used the commercial sinigang mix powder)
4 cups water
Salt & pepper to taste

  In a pot, bring to a boil the 4 cups of water.  Add garlic, onion and the tomatoes.
  Add the sinigang mix, lechon and labanos.  Let simmer for 5 minutes.  Season with salt & pepper.
  Add string beans, kangkong and sili (for spice-optional). Let boil for 2 minutes.
  Serve piping hot.

Next time, I’ll use fresh  corned beef like the one in Sentro 1771  ^_^

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