Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Happy Lemon Day

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I don’t know what’s got into me. I’ve been thinking of  tea drinks of Happy Lemon the whole day. 

I have been bugging Pipay to go with me for a Happy Lemon fix.  Honestly, I am very curious about their Rock Salt and Cheese variety.  It seems like it’s becoming a trend to add rock salt to anything – from cupcakes, caramel sauce to ice cream and tea drinks. 

So off we went to Rockwell this afternoon for two reasons. One is to buy a gift for my niece’s 18th birthday party tomorrow. And the other, to try Happy Lemon’s most recommended tea drink.

When we entered Rockwell Power Plant Mall, almost everyone we met has a glass of Happy Lemon drink.  I thought maybe we’ll just follow the people-carrying-happy-lemon trail…(only  in the opposite direction) and we’ll surely find the Happy Lemon kiosk. 

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As expected, the line was very long. Pipay was able to get us a table. 

happy lemon 1

I chose Green Tea with Rock Salt and Cheese.  Pipay had the Milk Tea with pearl balls.  I heard you must not use a straw for the Rock Salt & Cheese drinks.  The first sip, the creamy, cheese topping is very nice- salty, sweet and creamy.  Then you get to taste the green tea beneath the cream topping on the second sip which is very refreshing.  Pipay liked the creamy milk topping so I let her sip the cream topping, just like eating Sonja’s  Berries and Cream cupcake – she eats the cream and strawberries and I eat the almond flavored cupcake. 

Happy Lemon’s  Green Tea with Rock Salt & Cheese is my new best friend.  ^_^

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