Monday, September 5, 2011

Chocolate overload at Café Breton


I went looking for that perfect swimsuit today.  Sad to say, I haven’t found it yet.

After 3 hours of walking and window shopping, I met up with M in Trinoma for snacks at Café Breton before going home. 


My favorite Café Breton crepe is La Pinay, crepe filled with mango, topped with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce.   But this time, I ordered Fantastic Pinay and a cup of cappuccino.  Fantastic Pinay is La Pinay crepe minus the vanilla ice cream but with the addition of Nutella. 



I got a chocolate overload!  The chocolate taste was too overwhelming for me.  There’s even some cocoa powder on top of my cappuccino (even on the cup’s rim.  Maybe it’s just me, but I’m not so enthusiastic about chocolate lately.  I’ve been craving for something fresh like fruits. 

Next time, I'm getting the DIY crepes. 

For the chocoholics, enjoy the food porn though.   ^_^

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