Thursday, August 25, 2011

Of caramels and pralines


One thing that Pipay and I love to eat is caramel.  From Mcdo’s caramel sundae to once in a blue moon treats like Kraft caramel candies.  And it is easy to make.  

I recently bought a pack of slivered almonds from a nearby cake supplies store and made some almond praline.  

Recipe:    (measurements are just estimates; I don’t measure my ingredients)
Sugar   (1 cup)
Butter  (around 2 Tbsps)
Glucose or maple syrup (optional - to prevent the sugar from crystallizing) (1 Tbsp)
Cream (1 cup)
Slivered almonds

Place sugar on a non-stick pan over medium heat.  You can add the glucose at this point too. Do not stir.  Let the sugar melt until golden brown.
Add almonds.  Stir.  Pour into a well oiled dish or non-stick board and let set.

To make caramel syrup, add butter and cream to the melted sugar mixture and stir well. 

I roughly chopped some almond brittle,  topped it over my oatmeal & muesli, drizzled with caramel syrup.   A very sweet way  to jump start your day.

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