Monday, August 22, 2011

Healthy cooking: Brown rice, japanese fried rice style

I woke up late again.  I was up till 2 AM last night to finish one of my photo editing backlogs. I know, I know… I love to procrastinate that’s why. 

At 10AM, it’s too late for an oatmeal breakfast and too early for lunch.  Since I plan to continue working for the rest of the day,  and I’ll be eating lunch alone anyway, I decided to cook my brunch…. Japanese fried rice!  But with a healthy twist.  I used brown rice and lots of veggies.

My version is a meal on its own – with ham, veggies, egg, brown rice and Clara Ole’s Ora Mix Mo, a Japanese fried rice flavor mix.

I steamed some Chinese bokchoy and reheated last night’s dinner – breaded cream dory to go with my fried rice.

Here’s the recipe:

1 cup cooked brown rice

3 broccoli florets, cut into small pieces, pre-steamed

2 tablespoons  minced carrots

I clove garlic, minced

1 slice of forest ham, cut into strips

1 stalk leek, separate green and white portions;  the midsection I used for garnish.

1 egg, lightly beaten

Salt & pepper

Enough oil to coat the pan.

Heat oil in pan,

Pour eggs on hot pan, stirring until cook; set aside.

Saute garlic, white portion of leeks, carrots and ham.

Add brown rice.  Toss until everything is blended.

Add eggs, broccoli florets, the green part of leeks.

Season with salt & pepper.

Transfer into a bowl and garnish with sliced leeks.

Now how hard can that be?  ;)

For dessert…. Reese’s peanut butter cups that M brought home last night.


  1. Greetings. This is my first time on your blog, but you have a terrific one. I am always on the look out for new blogs, new ideas. I especially appreciate all the details you d0. Great photos makes it seem like anyone can replicate the recipe!

    And such STUNNING PHOTOS... WOuld love to show those off (with links back to your posts)

    I am asking, would you please consider posting a few of your favorite recipes on

    It is a tool for bloggers to see and to be seen. Your posts would fit in perfectly.

    in addition, all photos, recipe titles as well as your blog name would link directly back to your blog. Thus giving you new attention and potentially new readers.

    Or, if you just want to take a look at a lot of fellow food bloggers all in one place. A great learning experience to get ideas about how to establish your own blogging voice!

    Please take a look. If you have any ideas or questions, please do not hesitate to write


  2. thanks for the nice comments on my photos and for the info about your site. :)
