Monday, August 15, 2011

A French Cafe in Makati

Bon appétit a tous!  This was what was written at the back of Paris Delice’s brochure.  I’m not really sure what it means, other than bon appétit means good appetite or the closest English translation is “enjoy your meal”.  As for the phrase a tous!... I give up.  The translation, “Enjoy your meal or a good appetite has all” sounds off to me.  

The simple black and white sign of this little quaint French patisserie caught my fancy one time when I passed by Makati Avenue on my way to my Zumba class in Makati.  Of course, I made a mental note to visit soon.  On a recent meet up with a friend at A. Venue, I totally forgot about it and instead had pasta and coffee at CBTL…blame it on my so-called ‘senior moments’ and the mood I was in that night.

So, this afternoon, I asked Pipay to come with me to have coffee and dessert.  I was thinking of going to BGC to try a new pastry shop.  But I was in one of those lazy-I-don’t-want-to-go-far moods.   Makati avenue is nearer to home that’s why I decided to finally go visit Paris Delice. 

The café is small, well lighted. The walls painted in black & white with a touch of red accent on the chairs.  Photos of Paris tourist spots adorn the walls. 

The menu is simple but nothing ordinary.  French breads & pastries, sandwiches in baguette, salads, soups (two kinds!), omelets, desserts and of course, coffee.

I had a hard time deliberating if I wanted to have soup with bread or pastries with coffee.  Pipay just wanted to have orange juice.  After a while, I settled for spinach quiche and café Americano.  The salesclerk told me that the breads and pastries were on a buy one take one promo.  I got the Triangle aux Amandes (I love anything almonds!) – a puff pastry with almond paste filling.  I eyed the French macarons, remembering my friend Liza, whom I met for lunch a few days ago and told me she forgot to bring the French macarons she made for me. Hay… 

that delicious almond paste filling!


When the spinach quiche was brought to our table, Pipay exclaimed, “ooohhh… pizza!” . I laughed and let her have my quiche.  Her verdict, “it’s yummy but it needs more cheese.”  I told her it’s not a pizza, it is a quiche that’s why there’s not much cheese in it.”

I love the triangle aux amandes! Not sweet, soft and flaky, the almond paste filling, heavenly… a perfect partner  to my café Americano.

chocolat beignet inside my doggy bag ;)

On our way home, I bought Chocolat Beignet (translated, chocolate doughnut).  But this has nutella filling instead (I wonder if I got the name correct?)

I think I’ll spend 15 more minutes on the  treadmill this week  ^_^

Bon apetit!

Paris Delice

No.1 Juno corner Makati Avenue,

Makati City

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