Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Food Photography 1: backgrounds

If you’ve noticed the backgrounds for my food shots lately, you might think I have 2 wooden tables. How lucky would I be?  But no, I don’t have wooden tables…. Let me rephrase that, I have a wooden dining table, but nothing like those seen in my food shots.  

here are some shots...

swiss miss21

Months ago, when I converted our home’s living room into a mini studio, I bought a foldable table.  It’s plain, made of heavy duty easy to clean plastic.  It could easily be covered with cloth or with one of my linen collection when I’m doing food photography.  Sometimes I use big tiles. M has a lot of those samples around.

But I love those distressed, rustic wood tables used in some food photography sites I lurk into. 

In one of our golf driving range sessions at City Golf, I crossed over to Home depot to browse at some laminates that I could use as props.  I saw these wood design laminates (I’m not sure if that’s what they’re really called).  I like the life-like wood grain.  I got two kinds – light and dark colors (I didn’t take note of the kind of wood they’re supposed to be… darn! I should take notes, really).


When I got home, I took the cutter, scissors, a roll of duct tape, & a ruler and cut the laminates into 2 pieces  and taped them together, forming a square piece.  They can be folded if I’m not using it.  They’re easy to clean too.   I spent P1000 for 2 pieces laminates of each kind. 



 Voila!  Instant wooden tables.  ;)


From time to time, I'll be posting entries of what goes on behind the scene when i do food photography. :)

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