Sunday, February 15, 2009

french toasts

I'm starting to go back to my cooking... the past two days, I've been glued to the AFC (asian food channel) on cable. I plan to slowly build up stocks on my pantry again. Last night, Pipay & I made fruit jello's which I'm going to shoot later tonight. And for my kids' snacks this afternoon, I made french toasts.

One can never go hungry if you have the basics - milk, butter, eggs, bread, potatoes. I could make a meal out of these basic ingredients. Bakit nasama yung potatoes dito? Well... I love potatoes that's why... whenever I go hungry and looking for food at night, I'll just slice some potatoes, pop them in the microwave or grill them on my cheapipay panini grill... dipped in soy sauce, calamansi, sesame oil dipping... and voila! Satisfied na ko... This dipping sauce is a must try pala... got this from my vegetarian Australian boss in Filcartoons. Goes well with everything...specially steamed veggies. You might also want to put some kick by adding chili.

So going back to my french toasts... here's the recipe. as usual, no measurements...

Sliced bread (you can use all kinds of bread - I like mine multigrain)
2 eggs
maple syrup, chocolate syrup, marmalades, etc... the possibilities are endless.

combine eggs, sugar and milk. add nutmeg and cinnamon (optional; but they really make a lot of difference). Melt a pat of butter in a non-stick pan. Dip bread slices in milk-egg mixture... drain excess; fry in butter. 2 minutes on each side. Serve warm with maple syrup, marmalade/jelly...

How hard can that be?

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