12:45 AM
I had a sudden craving for something sweet. I wanted to have coffee, but my stock needs replenishing... which is a good thing at this point. My insomnia has gotten so bad. Even if I'm sleepy and tired by 11PM, i just can't get myself to sleep. And having coffee at 12 midnight would make it worst.
So I went downstairs to raid my kitchen for something sweet. I'm not a fan of vanilla ice cream. I don't like drinking milk. And having vanilla ice cream is akin to drinking milk (nice philosophical view noh?). The only something sweet I found was a tub of vanilla ice cream in the freezer. I remembered I made some peanut sesame seed pralines (or peanut brittle) a day before for my food photography series. And there's chocolate syrup... hehehe... now you know the rest of the story...

so here's how to assemble my sweet concoction...
One scoop of vanilla ice cream. Crush some peanut-sesame seed brittle. Sprinkle over the vanilla ice cream. Drizzle with chocolate syrup. Repeat process, making two layers. add one big chunk of peanut-sesame seed brittle on top.

hay... hay... hay... sweet!