Wednesday, May 13, 2009

a taste of heaven

May 13

M just came home from Davao last night bearing a boxful of pomelos. My daughter's favorite fruit.
When I came down for lunch a while ago, I saw a plastic tub of Durian fruit! Wow......... I miss that. It was heaven on earth.... BLISS! I used to abhor durian because of the smell and the way it makes its presence felt on your gut and throat long after you eat them. But like what they say, it's an acquired taste. The love for it gradually developed... now, I get cravings every now and then. I like the creamy variety.... the ultimate food for the gods.... [and goddess ;-)]

ano ang secret sa secret recipe?

May 9...
These eating out is putting a toll on my hips and tummy...
Gino & I had a kiddie party coverage in Fun Ranch. As what happens during my event projects, I cannot eat properly. By the time it's time for us to eat, wala na ako gana. Or I'm too tired to eat. The meal they served us during the party was slightly touched. After the shoot, we went to meet up with Paul & Let in Megamall. I wanted to have coffee na lang kasi I wasn't in the mood to eat... and maybe dessert (I'm a dessert fan!). We chose to have dinner in Secret Recipe (atrium, megamall). As usual, makulit nanaman si Gino... he asked the maitre d' kung ano daw secret.... hayz!!!

I wanted something light so I opted for the Noodles in Tom Yung Soup.

Gino, who is not so adventurous when it comes to food, got the lasagna.

Paul got the Chicken Cordon Bleu .....

and Let, a beef dish, the name of which, escaped my mind.... hay... i should keep notes next time.

Dessert.... not to be missed!

I wanted sana my favorite Caramel Cheesecake... but Let ordered the Oreo Cheesecake. So I asked for the Almond Cake, but unfortunately, walang stock... I ordered the sinful Chocolate Indulgence instead.

which went well with my cup of capuccino, while the rest got the Flat white, cafe americano with milk.

There were more food trips that followed like my night out with my sisters-in-law in Oyster Boy where we had Crispy Pata and Gising gising (a veggie dish in gata) and my food jaunt with my kids yesterday at Piazza Pazo, which deserves a separate rant entry.

Till next time!

Of crabs, pinakbet, bokeh, avant garde & more....

May 8...
A dinner meeting with my mentor/friend/wedding photobuddy, Sir Bubuy. I first met Sir Bubuy in my first formal photography lesson last year using a point & shoot camera. From then on he has been teaching and mentoring me in photography. Last night, with him, i found a food trip buddy... you could just imagine the scene.... food + photography + good conversation. Sa kwentuhan pa lang dami ko na natutunan. Laugh trip din, kasi we laughed at how some photography terms came about... me halong okray hahahahaha.... we now have our own photo private jokes tuloy hehehe...

Dinner was at dampa metrowalk. I didn't know may dampa pala dun. Humaygad!!! (tristan paborrow your term) I should go out a lot more ....lessen my trips to the mall and explore more.... We had chili crabs (which before we ate, asked each other... okay lang ba last medical checkup mo?... hehehehe... let's not go into this age thing...hahahahaha) and pinakbet. Then transferred to Starbucks after for coffee and dessert.

A tribute to our roots.... Sir bubuy is from Ilocos.... my parents are from Pangasinan

Crabs in Chili and Garlic..... not the same as the one in Singapore but yummy pa rin!

Starbucks Banoffe Pie ........... our dessert with coffee and capuccino

And the piece de resistance..... he showed me his babies.... the newest one being the D90.... hehehe yup Nikonian.... and his 50 mm 1.4. kahit manual focus lang sya ang ganda ng BOKEH [hehehehe...;-)]

More enlightening topics includes - black & white photography, film photography, and the zone system which ngayon ko lang naintindihan ng maayos.... hehehe.... I have to train my eyes so I can "see" in black & white .... galing talaga! If you become an expert in black & white photography... sisiw na ang color.... ;-)

One more fact I learned.... He worked in Filcartoons (1988) as Inbetweener.... kasi he explained the video capability of the D90... the same way cartoons are shot.

I'm really excited na about the coming prenups. With your guidance, I'm confident (I think) na I can pull this off on my own.... good luck sa kin hehehehehe.... ;-)

Thanks! thanks! for the wonderful and informative conversation... for the good meal and the laugh trip... great company.... sobra nag-enjoy ako... this goes to the list of one of my most memorable birthday celebrations. Next stop.... Baguio! Yehey! Ikaw mag-golf.... ako magpeektyur peektyur ng nature.... got to have that ND filter soon! ;-)

till the next food trip!

My birthday treat

My birthday week has been a series of food trips .... from Dencio's during Mom's birthday (we're one day apart) to Oyster Boy with my SILs.... here are some of the eating escapades I had....

May 7....
I promised my friend, C (my co-photographer in a food shoot a day before), that we're gonna dine together after the shoot. But since my brother made plans for mom's birthday... cancel yung dinner... besides, we had coffee and pizza during the shoot na rin. We met the next day for the CDs and that's when we indulged again on another food trip....@ Krokodile Grille in Trinoma mall.... My first time to eat frog's legs hehehehe... tasted like chicken nga. Our lunch consisted of halaan soup, sisig syempre, frog's legs and garlic, and bagoong rice with chicharon.... I didn't bring my camera with me.....ACK!!! SAYANG.... but C brought his pentax.... again no photos.... kasi busy sa chikahan about using ND filters, lighting, photo stuff.... after krokodile grille, we transferred to Cafe Breton for coffee and dessert! eto may photos na... hehehehe... C got the la pinay and I got the deja vu crepes.... so yummy!!!!

C's pick..... La Pinay
photo credits: C. Castellon

My choice...... Deja Vu
photo credits: C. Castellon